Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More and more from God

To friends and family,

I went to the orphanage yesterday. God spoke to my heart about meeting with a different group of kids at the orphange. I love working with the yonger children and two particular children have really grasped my heart. I can see Jesus in their eyes. There are 6 male teens that I feel I also need to connect with and establish common ground. I will be taking them on small trips to share Gods word and to build some great relationships.

Love and God Bless,

Jon Foster

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Give Thanks

Today at the orphange I was able to meet more staff and will be working with the children in small groups to teach them manners and other life skills. Our missions team will be creating small social stories which will be translated in their native language. Many stories will include small bibles verses and lessons. Once the stories are created they will also be posted. They will also be learning English and many other subjects. I will also be helping the staff to implement a schedule for the children and to help control for their lack of structure within the orphanage. I am truly thankful that God has given me this opportunity and look forward to having an impact on these children.

Thank you God,


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dear God

Went to the orphanage today and saw many children who were imediately seeking love and affection. It was great to spend time with them. I wish their living conditions were better. I would love to be able to provide more for them. I can't imagine living with up to 15 children in one room sleeping on dirty floors and only one bed. I will share these photos with my community. These children need so much. What do I do and how can I improve their life?



Sunday, June 1, 2008

Safe Arrival

Made it to South Africa safe and sound. Found a place to stay at the YWAM base and will start volunteering with one of the many orphanages in one of the town ships here on Tuesday. Photos to follow. Goals for the next few months include taking the children to clinic for aids screening. More info to follow soon.

Love and Truth,

Jon Foster